Hey there Technicians! I see a lot of questions floating around the internet on subdomains and how to set them up correctly. Do you need a subdomain? Not necessarily, but here are some of the reasons why they are helpful:

  • Subdomains allow you to create a more professional and branded look for your sales funnels. Rather than using a generic URL provided by ClickFunnels, a subdomain allows you to use your own domain name (e.g. “sales.yourdomain.com”) which can improve the perceived credibility of your funnel.
  • Subdomains can help you better track and analyze the performance of your sales funnels. By setting up a separate subdomain for each of your marketing campaigns, you can easily see which campaigns are driving the most traffic and conversions.
  • Subdomains can make it easier to manage and organize your sales funnels. Rather than having all of your funnels on a single URL, you can use subdomains to categorize and group your funnels based on the target audience or product being promoted.
  • Subdomains can help you optimize your SEO efforts. By using a subdomain, you can create unique content and keyword-rich URLs that can be more easily indexed and ranked by search engines.

    Ok, that’s great but how do you configure it? Follow these steps to point your subdomain to your Clickfunnels-hosted opt-in page:

    • First, log in to your GoDaddy account and click on the “My Products” button.
    • Find the domain you want to use for your subdomain and click on the “DNS” button next to it.
    • Before making any changes, write down or take a screenshot of your current DNS settings. This will allow you to restore your original settings, in case something goes wrong.
    • Scroll down to the “Records” section and click on the “Add” button.
    • Select “CNAME” from the “Type” dropdown menu. In the “Name” field, enter the name of your subdomain (e.g. “subdomain”). In the “Data” field, enter “target.clickfunnels.com” where your subdomain will be hosted.
    • Click on the “Save” button to add the new CNAME record.

    Repeat these steps for any additional subdomains you want to add. It may take a few hours for the changes to propagate across the internet. Once the changes have propagated, your Clickfunnels page should be accessible via the subdomain.yourdomain.com URL.

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