Sometimes dealing with CNAME issues can feel like you are in the middle of a Shakespearian tragedy, but fear not, all’s well that ends well.

What are CNAME Records?

A CNAME, or Canonical Name record, is a type of DNS (Domain Name System) record that is used to point a domain or subdomain to another domain or subdomain. For example, you might use a CNAME record to redirect the subdomain “www” to the root domain, or to redirect a subdomain like “blog” to a different website.

What Causes CNAME Record Conflicts?

CNAME record conflicts can occur when there are multiple CNAME records for the same domain or subdomain, or when a CNAME record is used in conjunction with another record type (such as an A record or MX record).

Having multiple CNAME records for the same domain or subdomain can cause conflicts and make it difficult for the DNS to properly resolve the domain or subdomain. This can lead to errors or issues when trying to access the website or other resources associated with the domain or subdomain.

Using a CNAME record in conjunction with another record type (such as an A record or MX record) can also cause conflicts, as these record types have different functions and cannot be used together.

How to Resolve CNAME Record Conflicts

In order to resolve CNAME record conflicts, it is necessary to carefully review and analyze the existing CNAME records for the domain or subdomain in question and identify any issues or conflicts. Once the conflicts have been identified, they can then be resolved by modifying or deleting the conflicting CNAME records as necessary.

It is important to properly manage and maintain CNAME records to ensure that there are no conflicts and to ensure that your website and other resources are accessible and functioning properly.

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